Grab announced new in-app travel innovations and partnerships to give travellers a safe, seamless and hyperlocal experience as Southeast Asia embraces a travel comeback

New app enhancements include:
Traveller Homepage: Two-thirds of travellers who use Grab, download and register an account with Grab while still in their home country. To help travellers better plan ahead for their trips, the new Traveller Homepage allows overseas travellers to explore a city within the Grab app as if they were at the destination.
The Grab app is also now available in Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages, to deliver a more intuitive experience for travellers from China, Korea and Japan, which are key markets for international tourists visiting Southeast Asia.
[Ready by H2 2023] Translated merchant menus: To help travellers explore the best local flavours around them, Grab is working on translating merchant menus in key cities across Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand into English. Additionally, to serve the wave of returning Chinese travellers, Grab will also provide Chinese menu transitions across key Indonesian cities.
A revamped Venues experience: For travellers, finding their way through a busy, unfamiliar airport to get to the right pick-up point and their ride can be a daunting experience.
[Ready by H2 2023] A currency converter feature that will automatically display fares in travellers’ preferred local currency so that they don’t have to do manual conversions.
In support of the travel revival, Grab today also announced new upgrades to its GrabUnlimited subscription package, giving subscribers access to discounted airport rides at 89 airports across Southeast Asia.