At the Google I/O conference (which took place on May 10), the search giant introduced some exciting AI updates and launched its very first folded smartphone, the Pixel Fold. One of the most revolutionary AI tools introduced by the tech titan is ‘Help Me Write’, an AI tool, that will help users generate replies to emails in seconds. You can create email drafts in the blink of an eye. The feature will allow you to select from a wide variety of writing styles, from formal/professional to catchy and funky. All About ‘Help Me Write’ This tool is undoubtedly a blessing for anyone who has struggled to come up with effective emails. It will help you craft thank you notes, follow-up emails, and cover letters for job applications quickly. The ‘Help Me Write’ tool is an update of the Smart Reply tool, which was designed in 2017 to help users come up with short responses with just a click. How To Use ‘Help Me Write’? You simply have to start writing an email and then click the ‘Help Me Write’ button. The tool will then create an email draft, which you can personalise as per your requirements. You can set the mood and tone of your content, as the button will enable users to customise the mail through prompts such as ‘formalize’, ‘elaborate’, and ‘shorten’. The ‘Help Me Write’ tool is still in its early stages of development and is being examined by testers. However, once it's available, it will no doubt be a huge help for millions all over the world.
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